“My name is Pasi. Pasi Fist... And I don't like guns… Or people with guns…"
"Or people…”

Tämä oli SuomiGameHub Kesäjami 2024 entry. Tavoitteena oli tehdä oma versio jostakin klassikko-suomipelistä. Valitsimme uhkarohkeasti pelin "Tapan Kaikki" ja päätimme tehdä sen twistillä "Tapan Kaikki Käsin". Peli kulki työnimellä "PasiFist", joka on myös päähenkilön nimi, mutta lopulta brändättiin uusiksi tähän raflaavampaan nimeen "Kuuma Linja Muurame". :)

Peli on PoC -asteella, sillä 4 päivän koetokseksi tämä oli tiedostetustikin liian laaja.


This was an entry in the SGH Kesäjami 2024 -gamejam. The assignment was to make a version of a classic finnish game. We chose foolhardily "Tapan Kaikki", (which means "I'll Kill everybody"),  and the twist would be to have the player only use melee. The working title of the game  was "Pasi Fist", which is also the name of the main character, but was later re-branded to this proppa name "Hot Line Muurame" (for reasons). :)

The game is a "proof-of-concept", since the jam lasted only 4 days and the scope was admittedly too wide.

WSAD - move
Mouse look - aim
Mouse left - attack / pickup
Mouse right - throw
Space - dash
Mouse 3/wheel - human shield (from behind enemy)
R - Reset level


Current assets are free assets mainly from Kenney and OpenGameArt.


Known bugs:

  • GameOver screen is left on when reloading levels
  • Game freezes when hittin esc to quit
  • Level 1 bounds not implemented, enemies can wander off and live
  • Win state not working, so only way to go forward is to manually load the next level
  • Occasional wall clip with enemy animations

Features dropped from the minimum build:

  • Enemy throw
  • Neck snap on human shield
  • Healthpacks
  • More throwables
  • Blood splatter
  • And lots more were planned for a "full" version

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